Strengthening herbal product enterprise
Ethno-veterinary practices (EVP) include herbal medicine as well other locally adapted practices in animal health care. In India, TDU…
Strenghtening organic dairy farming
Together with the partners in India and the Netherlands – and in collaboration with Solidaridad – the Trust Dairy project is being…
One Health
The activities of the Natural Livestock Farming network are in line with international policies such as the Global One Health Approach,…
NLF project in Ethiopia 2017-2020: Enhancing Quality and Safety of Milk
This project aimed to introduce the Natural Livestock Farming (NLF) 5-layered strategy for improved cattle health in Ethiopia through a…
Need to reduce use of antibiotics in Uganda
Ankole cattle in Uganda get sprayed with a type of insecticide against ticks: it is a ‘duodip’ with Cypermethrin and Chlorpyrifos. Ticks…
Knowledge of Natural Dairy Farming
The Centre of Expertise for Natural Livestock farming has special experience with promoting Natural Dairy Farming, and ways to reduce the…
Guide to use herbal products
A guide to keep your livestock healthy with herbs and other natural products. The Natural Health guides are available in both Dutch and…
Developing a PG diploma course on use of medicinal plants
Globally, the resource poor rural farmers rely on ancestral folk herbal knowledge to deal with the diseases of their livestock and poultry.
Ayurvedic herbs against diarrhoea in veal calves
Antibiotic use in veal calves -bull calves originating from dairy farm- in the Netherlands is very high. With the young calves (2-6 weeks)…
Antibiotic free dairy management
All over the world there are farmers who produce milk with little or no chemicals – and much can be learnt from them.